Monday, September 8, 2008

Babies, Lies, and Scandals! Oh, My!

The left-wing media's attacks on Sarah Palin do not appear to be sticking. The liberal smear campaign, all the way from the cover of People Magazine to the snub by the Oprah Winfrey Show have actually increased Sarah Palin's popularity with your average "Wal-Mart Moms." It's okay though, we all understand the elite liberal media is still fuming over McCain's choice of a conservative that they were not prepared for. Since the socialist agenda prevails over all others, the militant feminists out there are now lambasting Sarah Palin for running for office to serve her country because she has a family to tend to (surely it has nothing to do with her conservative politics!). Of course, whenever a man leaves to fight a war for his country, he is betraying his family. The irony here is smothering. NObama/NOprah '08.

Bill Kristol's article in the Weekly Standard can also add a little insight into this:

Stupid sensational reporting and left-wing bias at its best.

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